Monday, March 10, 2014

Building website with Punch

Finally, I've got something, hopefully useful, to share. Today I would like to describe fully automated and completely free way of publishing and hosting static website with Punch and Jenkins.


Punch is a simple, intuitive web publishing framework, like, probably better known, Jekyll. I've found it better for myself because of possibility to write custom content handlers. Overall,  I think, Punch can be viewed as more generic website publishing framework than Jekyll. Also it's Node.js application.

Though I was missing automatic publishing like gh-pages. But I have recently come across nice post about Building a private gh-pages clone with dexy and gitlab, which mainly inspired me to investigate this drawback.

DEV@Cloud (Jenkins)

Jenkins is the #1 open source continuous integration tool. And it's offered by Cloudbees as a Service, also well known as DEV@Cloud. Luckily, among great bunch of possibilities, it allows to build Node.js projects, which is the core part of my solution, though very simple.

My manual build shell script is as follows:
curl -s -o use-node
NODE_VERSION=0.10.4 . ./use-node
npm install -g punch
npm install
punch p
The last command generates and publishes site. Punch supports publishing to Amazon S3 or to a custom server with SFTP out of the box, but with GitHub or Bitbucket you can host your static website for free, see GitHub Pages again and Publishing a Website on Bitbucket. So, we'll need to define custom publishing strategy.

Punch git publisher

I have not found available punch-git-publisher useful - at the moment of writing it is unfinished. So I've created own git publishing strategy: punch-git-publisher.js. It needs to be configured in punch config.json as follows:
"plugins": {
    "publishers": {
        "git_strategy": "./lib/punch-git-publisher.js" 

"publish": {
    "strategy": "git_strategy",
    "options": {
        "repo_url": ""

Brining it all together

The most interesting part, automating :) I host my website project on Bitbucket, similarly to website itself. Although I believe it will work with GitHub in very similar way for User or Organization and Project pages, however for the latter you will need to modify punch-git-publisher.js to commit in gh-pages branch.

Below is few simple steps to make your changes in punch project trigger automatic build and publishing:
  1. Obtain Jenkins API key. For DEV@Cloud see https://<account><the-user-portion-of-your-email>/configure, e.g.
  2. Enable 'Trigger builds remotely' in your Jenkins project configuration.
  3. Add commit hook, e.g. see Jenkins hook. For DEV@Cloud EndPoint must be similarly to above, i.e. https://<the-user-portion-of-your-email>:<apitoken>@<account>, e.g. https://azhdanov:***
  4. Add Jenkins ssh public key to your Bitbucket account to let build push generated website content to the repository. Here is good writeup for Github: How to use private github repositories with cloudbees, and Bitbucket: Add an SSH key to an account.
Now, just do your changes, commit, push, and if you're lucky, you get your website updated in a minute, all like Using Jekyll with GitHub Pages. Here is the overall picture:

Let me know how it works for you ;)


  1.  punch-git-publisher.js